Registration Info
At LYS we believe in the power of soccer to change lives, strengthen communities, and improve our world.

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New to the area? New to LYS?
Here is where you start. 

By answering four questions about your child, we’ll make a recommendation for which LYS Programs might best suit your child.


LYS exists thanks to the strength of our parent volunteer workforce who is dedicated to the idea of community-based youth soccer. Whether you are a veteran in the sport or still don’t understand that offsides rule, LYS needs your support!

Click here to learn how you can join Team LYS!


LYS exists to support our kids and create a sense of community on the soccer pitch. Foot skills are important but not at the expense of playing with friends and having fun. 

LYS works to find a balance between pure recreational soccer and year-round, competitive…

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